Monday, April 1, 2013

Interactive White Board

I believe that I learned a lot while working on my flipchart project for the Interactive White Board (IWB). There is a lot that teachers can do with the ActivInspire software and it was fun to experiment with it and learn more about the different methods of interactivity. Something that went well during this project was my understanding of how to use the tools and resource packs available to the class for the assignment. I think that I picked up how to use them fairly quickly and I'm confident in my ability to use ActivInspire in the future. Something that could be improved for me would be the selection of content for the flipchart. I chose reading because I really enjoy the subject, however it does not lend itself easily to this type of tool in the classroom. I believe that I would have been able to do more with this assignment if I had chosen math or science content for my flipchart. Overall, it was a great experience and I'm glad that we had the opportunity to learn about the IWB in TPTE486!

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