Saturday, April 20, 2013

Digital Story

Prior to this assignment, I have had minimal experience working with iMovie. However, I found the program pretty straightforward and easy enough to use. The most difficult part of this assignment was locating the images for the video. Eventually, I figured out how to save the pictures I found from Flickr to the desktop but it did take a significant amount of time. I also had trouble deciding how much information to include in the captions of every image. I wrote a lot more on my storyboard for this project than I actually included in the digital story because I realized that the captions would be too long. I found the music for my digital story on I felt that the jazz music fit well with the theme of the Harlem Renaissance. Trimming the music to fit the video was also a challenge but I was able to overcome that as well.
Overall, I think that iMovie is a great tool for use inside and outside of the classroom. With more practice, I hope to learn more about what I can do with iMovie in order to create more complex videos for my future classroom.

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