Friday, April 26, 2013

Wrapping up the Course

I think that the TPTE 486 course is necessary for all future educators. We live in a society where technology is everywhere, especially in the classroom. Students are learning how to use computers in elementary school and are introduced to new technologies all the time. Teachers should know how to implement technology in the classroom in a way that promotes students learning and that is up to date. Students need technology skills in order to be successful in our world today so it is important that teachers have technology skills as well.
I was introduced to several technology tools and resources that I had never heard of this semester. Although I am not an expert on all of them, I feel that I have enough knowledge to be able to use the different technologies that we learned about effectively in the classroom. I plan to incorporate wikis, inquiry based activities, Google presentations, flip charts, blogs, digital diagrams, digital stories, and websites into instruction whenever possible.
Overall, this course was a great experience and I learned a great deal of valuable information.

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