Friday, February 8, 2013

Why WebQuest?

Before taking this course, I had never heard of a WebQuest. I think that they are a really awesome tool to use in the classroom. WebQuests are especially helpful when working on group activities. They are also a good way to get students to practice their computer skills. Out of all of the WebQuests that we viewed in class, my group decided that the Unraveling the Underground Railroad was the best one. My role was to be the Affiliator; I determined whether the WebQuest truly encouraged students to work together. The Underground Railroad WebQuest did just that! The student roles were explicitly stated and everyone had specific tasks to do in order to complete the activity. There were also several discussion questions provided to get students to communicate with each other. I believe that WebQuests, if done correctly, can definitely enhance a students learning and proficiency in certain content areas. I could use this tool in the classroom in various subjects. For example to expand on a students knowledge of a story for Reading, to explore historic events in Social Studies, and to conduct experiments in Science. I also am glad that we have a resource to look at WebQuests that other educators have created here. This will be very helpful in the future when I start teaching!

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