Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Website Evaluation - Arcademic Skill Builders

Arcademicskillbuilders.com was the first website that I have evaluated. Prior to this assignment, I never really thought about some of the qualifications that a good website should have, such as a way to contact the author and the site interface. The website evaluation forced me to take a closer look at the site in order to determine it's reliability and usefulness. This activity help me learn how to find certain information on a website, such as the copyright date. Through searching the site, I discovered where various information is located and learned a lot about the creation and purpose of the site. It also helped me know what I need to look for in order to determine if a site is reliable, current, accessible, and useful. I will definitely take what I learned during this activity and reference it in the future. As a teacher, I know that I will use the internet in my classroom to teach and to supplement the curriculum. It is important that the websites I use as resources for myself and my students are reliable and contain accurate information. With the knowledge I gained from this activity, I can ensure that I provide my students with valuable website experiences from trustworthy sites.

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